How to Cut Cords with Your Twin Flame Love and Get Off the Emotional Roller Coaster

Twin flame relationships are hard work. They change your entire world and break you down to absolutely nothing.

It starts out 90% explosive love and beauty. Then turns to 90% pain and confusion.

They rid you of logic and sanity.

You spend hours obsessing over them and your connection. It sucks the energy right out of you.

I used to be always so tuned into his energy, how he was feeling, what he was thinking. Picking up energy here and there. Swearing I would never go back and then I would. Blocking him from my life and unblocking him.

At some point I had to drop the Law of Attraction and twin flame belief that my healing and never doubting the connection could bring him back.

Hope, despair, ecstasy.

Pure insanity.

I could see it was unhealthy. I wanted peace.

My peace came when I realized my hope was projecting qualities in me (like personal growth, moving towards love, addressing my fears) on him. He didn’t want a growth-focused relationship. He liked chemistry and soul connection.

My cord was hope.

how to cut cords…

You can cut cords with your twin. Someone can help you cut them. Or you can cut them yourself in a meditation or twin flame hypnosis session.

Yes, you are deeply connected to his person. I don’t believe we humans can even understand the connection, but we do have free will and we have a right to enjoy our life. The universe and our connection is to hard to comprehend down here. We are one. But I know some energies are closer than others.

I also know that the strongest connection is that of two independent healthy beings coming together. If a person can’t become healthy, you don’t have to stay attached.

Cords cut or become disentangled when the wounded part of you that needs them to survive is given what it needs from you (the only reliable constant in your life).

why it’s good to cut them

Those tied together with energetic cords aren’t free to choose to stay or go.

It’s spiritual enmeshment in a way.

Wouldn’t it feel great to have someone stay because they chose to? Not because you were in some energetic feeding loop that could kill either of you if the other tried to break away. That is spiritual codependency.

Our cords should be attached to the divine. That’s our energy source. That and dogs and nature :)

what the cords are telling you..

You likely have cords with your twin and to get rid of them you must understand why you two put them there.

They serve a purpose. They aren’t evil. They might be causing psychical pain though.

Once you find a cord (through meditation, hypnosis, etc), you have to ask it why it is there. Why is their inner child deeply attached to you? Why does it feel like you will die if you cut that cord?

Does cord-cutting affect the other person? Yes! In a good way!

Often we are afraid to cut cords from twin flames. It means they might go away or that we aren’t actually twin flames. That isn’t true.

We worry about what will happen to the other person. Will the twin even notice we cut cords with them? Will they come back if I cut cords?

Your connection is there regardless if you are feeding off each other or not.

If your twin is meant to come back after they do their personal healing work, you cutting cords with them will not prevent this from happening.

I had a cord in a soul connection because I was feeding him my good energy. He was broken and low. I was feeding him. As long as I was feeding him. He would stay.

If I kept sending him energy and helping him, then eventually he will get better and love me again like he did when he felt better.

When I went to pull out the cords, I couldn’t. In my hypnosis session, he would leave. Then I thought I would be all alone. spiritually alone (that’s so painful!). Again. I needed him to stay even if he was draining me. Even if that meant he had to suffer in the darkness. The “me” that needed him was a little inner child version of me.

It took me several days and lots of journaling and waking up to my own issues that I was able to break the cord. (This can be done much faster in a Twin flame hypnosis session.)

And he fell into darkness (my worst nightmare). But I finally trusted his spirit to guide him through.

He doesn’t need me. I need me. I need spirit.

He needs his journey. He needs his pain. He needs to be his own hero.

Once he gets through his pain, he will be able to teach others how to get through their pain.

If he relied on me for the rest of his life, he would just have to tell everyone that you need to go to this girl for healing. No, he can do it on his own. It frees me on my journey.

I have to look at my need to be needed. Am I worthy and loveable if I’m not saving someone?

Am I loveable even if he walks away? I am not alone in spirit. I have my inner children, my parts, guides, my higher self, and deceased loved ones looking down on me. I have lots of spirit parties and events to go to now that I am free of only focusing on keeping him around. There is nature to tap into. All sorts of energies that fill me up.

You can never break the connection when you cut the cords. We are all one.

You can cut the drama, the depleted feelings, guilt, hate, grief, loneliness, despair, unwanted psychic contact, obsessiveness, etc.

A baby is cut from his mother in the umbilical cord. But grows to be a full human on their own. Because they broke away from their mother.

  1. Find the cords (meditation, twin flame hypnosis, healer)

  2. Understand the cord (how did it get there, how is it serving you)

  3. Release the cord and place it within or to source energy

  4. Watch the change in your mood and growth.

  5. Be okay with backlash (temporary) negative reaction from the other person

  6. Be okay with them doing something low effort like texting or running into you when they feel the cords cut.

Levels You Must Address to End the Twin Flame Cycles

  1. Physical - if you go no contact - you have to sit on your hands and find things to distract you.

  2. Mental - mindfulness - you have to cut down the time you think about them little by little, start getting back control of your space

  3. Emotional - psychology work, inner child work (see below), self love work, parts work (part of me can’t be with him, part of me can’t let go. there could be an unloved part of you that is not letting you pull the cord), see a therapist, etc

  4. Energetic - must move old energy from your body. Send loving energy to them. use their energy to help heal you

  5. Spiritual - meet their higher self in the spirit world and get the answers that you need, pull out or rearrange cords. Set boundaries on twin flame telepathy.

    My coaching and hypnosis work addresses all these levels. And clients make the most progress with a mix of all these as twin flames are very complex issues.

Deep dive…. on the inner child

The cord or pull might be coming from your inner child or unhealed part of you.

We all have that part of us that can see how the twin is mostly unhealthy for us or isn’t interested in a relationship with us.

However, there is often an unhealed or wounded part or inner child that is still connected. That little girl/boy who felt very alone or felt abandoned or unheard is clingy to the twin because they keep wanting you to see that wound. Sometimes our inner child has partnered pain and love together, so it doesn’t want to get rid of the pain.

Often with a twin we keep feeling the same pain over and over. It’s the little girl in you. Pulling at you to come look back at her.

You might also check in with their inner child and make sure they aren’t pulling you back in or relying on you for healing and happiness.

  1. Sit with the painful feeling (my twin left me. He doesn’t love me. He doesn’t text me back.)

  2. Find it in your body. (burning sensation in the heart, darkness in the gut)

  3. Then ask your mind to show you the first time you felt this. It can go back to being a baby, child, teen, past life etc. You can also work on this during twin flame hypnosis)

  4. Go back to that memory and give the child what it needs. Go all out for it. Don’t try to change the child. Just love it.

  5. Visit the original memory again and see if the sting is gone.

  6. Now visit the original painful thought (my twin flame doesn’t contact me) and see if it feels lighter now.

Congrats! You have healed your inner child and lessened the pain of your twin situation. :)

Some common twin flame themes include:

  • Fear of being completely alone without them

  • Fear of never finding that kind of love again

  • Fear of losing telepathic abilities

  • Fear of missing out on their one chance at happiness

  • Fear you are right around the corner from what you want and giving up would be a bad idea

  • You have to be in perfect alignment for reunion

  • You have to wait for love and divine timing

“At the heart of codependency is a disconnection from one’s own center. When we don’t feel centered, we look outwards for our balance, wellbeing, and peace. In this state of imbalance, we are likely to feel fear regarding one’s own creative potential and power.” (Mica Akullian)

I highly suggest doing this work with someone beyond a psychic. Pain, sadness, and grief often need a witness to fully move and process. I offer twin flame coaching or twin flame hypnosis and I can walk you through this kind of healing. 555 1111 444 2222