Will cord cutting block reunion?

There’s a fear in the twin flame community that any distance or any big decisions around twin flames (cutting cords, dating others, blocking them etc) will result in a blockage or change in the universe that you can never undo.

You might even feel like you are betraying them - yet they are in another connection themselves. Ouch.

If being connected or merged with your twin flame’s energy is causing you pain and distracting you from being a full, happy human here on Earth, you have every right to disconnect and put space in between.

You are not forced to be intertwined with someone who can’t meet your needs or worse is not taking care of themselves and you have to feel that pain.

People come to me feeling completely merged with their twin flames soul, telepathy that comes out of no where during their day, or feeling their twin flame tugging their energy.

It feels permanent, but it is not.

You’ve tried “everything” to disconnect, and it doesn’t work. So it feels natural you must be connected for life after life.

It’s too painful to stay connected this way, but it also feels so painful to think if you pull away you might never meet anyone else like them.

You might even feel bound to help the other half of your soul, but you really can’t help much. They must do the hard work.

It feels awful thinking you could be responsible for ruining the thing you were destined to create with this person. But let’s start to question this..

Babies are merged with their mothers, but they must literally cut the cord and move away from them to experience themselves and enjoy a full life on Earth. Staying merged with their mother’s emotions for too long causes issues and a lot of pain for both. Same for the twin flame.

Disconnecting and finding your own power again is the fastest way to reunion regardless. It’s also the fastest way to get what you want in this life (to be seen, loved, understood, by a beautiful human etc). Win win!

When you first meet your twin flame, it ignites and expands you. Eventually, it’s clear they aren’t ready for a relationship and it starts to consume you, and you lose your power, joy, and ability to be present. What was heaven becomes a strange hell.

This person you instantly unconditionally loved is making you feel very unloved and abandoned. They might even agree they have never felt this way before, but they still don’t choose the connection in 3D.

Often cord cutting, chakra meditations, distraction, spells, therapy, etc work temporarily to disconnect from them. It often takes a different approach and trial and error.

Ultimately, we must unhook from them as a limited 3D person/destiny and hook into the divine.

So please don’t worry about doing any major damage to destiny if you decide to grow within your own energy and pivot your approach to love. Stay curious!
