Twin Flame Runner in a Hypnosis Session Part 2

Be sure to check out part 1 here.

Reminder twin flame runners come in with a different value set and nervous system than you!

Yes they feel at home and they feel safe with you. But they often don’t feel at home inside of themselves. This was the case for my runner client.

Many run because they need to stay with whatever job or relationship they are already obligated to. They can’t leave until they change their value system. His value system was mostly instilled by his parents and culture.

Often happiness is hard for them to feel for long stretches. Maybe they are deeply committed to being unhappy or mildly happy.

You can not, even with all the love in the world, change your runner into seeing the benefits of reunion.

You can’t fix them. Their own higher self can’t fix them. They have complete free will.

It would be nice to believe all the blogs and experts that simply changing yourself will change them. We can’t do that for our children, our pets, etc. We can make shifts of course, but huge changes in people must be made by themselves and and an expert.

Even with a deep soul connection, the dominant energy is often the lower energy. You will get pulled down to their energy more likely than you will pull them up. You can probably do it for a while or in person, but otherwise, they will go back to their frequency.

The documentaries on Twin Flame Universe, show it all. No matter how hard you work on yourself, you can not fix someone’s deep attachment wounds.

I wish someone would’ve told me that on my journey. I tried everything to be vibrationally perfect. I never doubted our love and our future. I was understanding and patient. I read every book under the sun about love and energy. I saw some progress in him but eventually, I realized he wouldn’t transform enough.. At least not in the next 5 years.

I wish I had known how hard it is for some people to love. How scared they were of change and being vulnerable.

I didn’t know til I started to work on myself, how much it takes to address your wounds and your patterns. Simply someone loving you and healing you energetically is not enough.

I’ll repeat that but in different words..  

If a person does not value love and connection, is scared of it, or finds it very unfamiliar, or unnecessary, you can not move forward. They may want a taste of it occasionally but they must work at the root of what keeps them working to push love away.

Their soul can even agree this is their best connection but they have free will.

I know as a chaser you’ve done everything you can to make it easy for them. You’ve put your heart on the line, you let them know you are willing to make huge sacrifices, and you’ve reassured them they are safe and loved. It is still not enough. It will never be enough until they do their own transformation.

It’s not that you aren’t enough for them. You might wish you were younger, hotter, in the same country, didn’t need monogamy, etc, but that wouldn’t change things for them. The people you think are in the way like their spouse, children, work obligations, etc, they aren’t the problem either.

In fact a lot of runners don’t feel good enough for you.

  • Some people get wired at a young age to NOT move towards love.

  • Some people will choose obligations over love.

  • Some people self-sabotage all the good things in their life.

  • Some people have lower needs for connection and intimacy.

  • Some people are not interested in, feel it’s impossible, or don’t know how to begin changing their life for love.

Our nervous system will override our spirit and heart wishes to stay safe (safe from failure, safe from abandonment, safe from constriction). Staying with current commitments and obligations won’t make them happy, but it will make them safe.

(As a chaser we will stay chasing a runner even when love is no longer being offered because that feels safer than letting go to find a new soul love. We have the same problem!)

We as chasers will give up our entire self, energy, power, and more just to try to get the runner to come back.

Our hope is what drives us into exhaustion. Even the tiniest speck of hope will send us into a 24/7 mission to figure out what is happening.

All chasers get to the point of feeling completely depressed and destroyed by the relationship.

In exchange for our entire heart and soul, we get very little in return. It’s extremely painful.

Do runners also feel pain?

Yes, but they are more used to that kind of pain and are able to compartmentalize it. They might think of you in the evenings or when life is quiet, but they don’t see it as a sign to reach out.

They often take signs and synchronicities as distractions. Trust me my runner client saw them all. Felt her energy and everything.

Eventually, their love and longing for you builds up like a dam and they come running back.

The part of them that wants to feel safe and held wins for a bit. But life will creep back in and you’ll be back to struggling to get them to connect to you.

Is there more you want to understand about yourself and your twin? Reach out and let’s discuss.

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